Home All Wilson Scorable Steel Target Arrives

Wilson Scorable Steel Target Arrives

Wilson Scorable Steel Target
Up close look at the target plate. Notice the laser cut score zones.

Getting some old business out of the way. We have been playing with a Wilson Combat Scorable Steel Target system. Since the entire thing is armored, this is how it arrives. 

Wilson Scorable Steel Target
1. Box for the plate.
1. Box for the base.
1. Box for the hardware.
**The small box on top are springs and other gun parts for a different project.

Seems very, very durable. And prefect for use at a high volume range or shooting school. Consumable stands are just that, consumable. We had a 2×4 human silhouette target stand give up the ghost just yesterday. 

Not really a big deal. But you need to keep wood handy for the inevitable. And if the range is busy, that’s downtime. 






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