Home All High Standard 107 Military

High Standard 107 Military

High Standard 107 Military Supermatic Trophy
High Standard 107 Military Supermatic Trophy

While at the gun shop yesterday doing some transfers. Yes, plural. I looked in the case and saw something I know some of you really like. 22 target pistols. 

High Standard 107 Military Supermatic Trophy
High Standard 107 box and papers.

This is a High Standard 107 Military, Supermatic Trophy. Whew. That’s a name. Shooters Supply Shop has it with box, papers, and extra magazine. I can only assume collectors would really like “box and papers”. 

High Standard 107 Military Supermatic Trophy
High Standard 107 Military Supermatic Trophy

These kinds of guns aren’t really in our wheelhouse so I figured I would pass it along. What’s your favorite 22 target pistol and why? Educate me on this segment of the market. 






“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”

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