Home 1911 Pistols Refreshing X9L Magazines

Refreshing X9L Magazines

Refreshing Wilson X9, X9L magazines
Two brand new bodies. But it needs to be noted I have never had a X9 magazine come out of spec.

You want to know a secret tell about people who shoot handguns a lot? They show up at the range with a whole pile of magazines. Way more than the 2-3 you might get in the OEM box. 

Refreshing Wilson X9, X9L magazines
The mags as they looked when brought into the armory.

The reason is simple. Time. More mags means more shooting. 

So with that all being said, I decided it was time to fluff the X9L training mags a little bit. Firstly I am relegating the 15 round tube to permanent bag-status, since I NEVER use it. 

Refreshing Wilson X9, X9L magazines
The two new mags.

Secondly I am adding two more 18 round mags to the stash to increase shooting time. And since I need to mark and number them, what a good time to refresh the markings on all the X9L shooting mags. 

Refreshing Wilson X9, X9L magazines
Mags either freshly numbered or renumbered. Mags #1 & #2 are my carry mags.

Note: There are close to 30 NIB, unused, 18 rounders in stock at the armory. Second note: In the over 10,000 rounds fired running the X9L as my main squeeze, not once has a single magazine come out of spec or needed to be replaced. Not a training magazine. Not a carry magazine. Not a single one. 

These things are looking to be almost bomb proof. Which shouldn’t be a surprise since rumor has it the Wilson X9 tubes are lifted directly from the Walther PPQ line.

Refreshing Wilson X9, X9L magazines
Two brand new bodies. But it needs to be noted I have never had a X9 magazine come out of spec.


Also keep that in mind when you see 2011 guys running around with $130ish magazines which probably still aren’t as durable and reliable as modern 9mm tubes. 







“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”

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