Home All Armory Chat 40: Winchester 24 Surprise 

Armory Chat 40: Winchester 24 Surprise 

Armory Chat Winchester Model 24 SxS

You are never too old to learn new tricks. Right?  In our quest to acquire an affordable, double trigger firearm; I discovered a feature that was new to me. 

It seems on this Winchester Model 24 SxS, when the shooter presses the lever to unlock the action, the safety is automatically reengaged. 

Without a doubt many of you are familiar with this feature on sporting shotguns. Not being a sporting-gun shooter, I am not. Just to confirm that I’m not crazy or mistaken (The latter happens), I pulled out our Browning Citori O/U to test. It does NOT exhibit this trait. 

The lesson for me? I need to be damn sure strange guns don’t go back, “on safe” without my  knowledge. Thinking about it, this is kind of like a magazine disconnect. While not a deal breaker, in an emergency situation…like the typical changing bear…4 seconds to impact scenario…this peccadillo could mean the difference between a bear eating it and I getting eaten! 

Lesson learned. 





“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”

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