Chris W.
9mm “Bear Loads”
The recent discussion around 10mm handguns spurred a lot of discussion on the viability of using a 9mm for bear/animal defense.
Imagine my surprise when...
2024 Montana Deer Season
The 2024 hunting season was crazy busy for me and I was only able to get out deer hunting for one day this year....
A Discussion on 10mm Handguns.
I've recently found a number of 10mm Autos in my possession, and as an extremely popular bear defense round in my neck of the woods...
The Grim Reaper Comes For Ruger
I guess I’m just the grim reaper for new revolvers these days. Just picked up a Redhawk in 22 Hornet, which I was going...
How To Suppress The M1A Rifle
I recently picked up a used Springfield M1A Scout Squad and found a little time to mess with it. Per usual, I can’t help...
Colt Python Goes Down
When I first reached out to Colt Customer Service, the gentleman I spoke with was less than helpful. After describing the problems and providing...
New Model Colt Pythons
With the recent discussion regarding Colt Pythons, here are my two new-model Pythons; one 4.25” barrel and the other 3”. For years I’ve been...
6mm Dasher Build
A while ago I finished building a rifle chambered in 6mm Dasher after months of choosing components and waiting on parts availability. This rifle...