Home All Browning BPS 10 Gauge

Browning BPS 10 Gauge

Browning BPS 10 Gauge
Browning BPS 10 Gauge

With turkey season right around the corner, I picked up a Browning BPS 10 gauge.  Until the advent of the 3.5 inch 12 gauge, the 10 gauge was the big dog in the turkey woods and goose blinds.  

Browning BPS 10 Gauge
Browning BPS 10 gauge with 28 inch barrel and 3.5 inch chamber. It weighs in at a trim 10
Ibs 9 oz.

Softer shooting 12 gauge semi autos rule the roost now but I got this BPS for a song.  Ammo for it is a different story but it is not like you put a lot of rounds a year through one.  

Weighing in at 10 pounds 9 ounces, it is a beast to carry around.  The weight however helps tremendously with 2 ounce turkey loads.  Once my ammo arrives, I will do a video on it’s pattern and my impending rotator cuff surgery.





“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”

The Kraken
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