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Don’t Tell Me This Isn’t a Service Rifle

CMP is now allowing Flattop, Rails, Forward Pistol grip and 4x Optic

A few months back, I had gotten into a little snit with a guy working the counter at Bud’s Guns in Lexington, Ky. I have mentioned the conversation on our podcast, but I haven’t really had a chance to discuss it here.

Specs for standard USMC M-16A4
Specs for standard USMC M-16A4

I traveled down to Buds to take a look at the FN Military Collector M-16A4 copy. You can see my post about this rifle <<<<Click HERE>>>>

While at the counter, there was an older gentlemen who was a former NRA high-power shooter who came over and wanted to chat. He had overheard me discussing with the younger employee that I thought it would be neat to use this rifle at Camp Perry. And that’s where the trouble started.

FORT CAMPBELL, KY – Capt. James Nardelli, part of a deploying Security Force Assistance Team with the 2nd Battalion, 502nd Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), fires at a target during a stress shoot training exercise at Fort Campbell’s Range 40a, Feb. 16. The stress shoot training exercise conditions Soldiers to effectively hit their targets in highly intense situations.(U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Joe Padula, 2nd BCT PAO, 101st Abn. Div.)
CMP is also making the the M4 carbine with adjustable stock legal for service rifle.

You see, this shooter hadn’t heard about the CMP rule changes allowing 4x optics and flat-top rifles being allowed in “service rifle”. He was quite vociferous in his protestations and proclamations. Which was cool. I wasn’t really talking to him anyway. But then he went too far and was giving out bad information.

Lance Cpl. Osvaldo J. Lopez knows the value of keeping his combat skills honed when not on patrol. The 22 year-old from Bayonne, N.J. is a rifleman with 2nd Battalion, 2nd Marine Regiment. The unit makes sure its Marines practice shooting tactics as often as possible to keep the troops at the top of their game. (USMC Photo by Cpl. Shawn C. Rhodes)
Rails, forward pistol grips, 4x optic are now legal for Service Rifle at CMP.

I looked him dead in the eye and said, “Listen. Are you going to stand there and tell me that a Marine who has been at constant war for 15 years, with multiple combat deployments, carrying a M16A4 topped with a 4x red-dot can’t shoot that rifle at Camp Perry?”

CMP is now allowing Flattop, Rails, Forward Pistol grip and 4x Optic
CMP is now allowing Flattop, Rails, Forward Pistol grip and 4x Optic

He just stood there with his dick in his hand, knowing that the matador was about to finish his ass off. I continued…

“What is the point of Camp Perry?”


“What is the point of Camp Perry!? CMP. DCM. What’s the point!?”

The bull seeing the red cape gets his guts back and practically yells, “To win!!!”

“No!!! CMP does not exist so you can win a medal. CMP as an organization doesn’t actually give crap about YOUR gold medal! The entire point of the CMP is to raise the quality of marksmanship across the entire US population. Why?

Shooting Quals with issue 4x optic.
Shooting Quals with issue 4x optic.

So in times of national emergency, the average raw recruit will show up with combat acceptable marksmanship skills. 10 or 20 guys with gold medals won’t win a war. 10 or 20 guys can’t defend a country.

So let me ask you this. When these new recruits show up at the rifle range to shoot quals, guess what the rifle they get handed will look like?”

I held the FN Military Collector A4 up to his face and hissed, “Something like this!”

If it's used in war, it should be allowed at Camp Perry!
If it’s used in war, it should be allowed at Camp Perry!

The bull was dead. And rightfully so. CMP was created for the nobodies. The citizens. The weekend warriors. Not as some rarefied club for the elites and the “cool kids”. Every time one of these snobs drives away an average shooter, they are actually hurting America. And I won’t stand for it. I’m glad to see the CMP has finally decided to acknowledge the latest, in a long line, of Greatest Generations. The young men and women who have been fighting the Global War on Terror for 15 years.

“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”

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