Home All High Density Storage – Secureit Wall System

High Density Storage – Secureit Wall System

Secureit Gun Storage System
Secureit Gun Storage System

Second update on Arms Room #1. Putting up the Secureit wall system. And after running these things for over 4 years, I can honestly say this weapons management system is the best in the game. 

Secureit Gun Storage System
Horizontal / display type storage.

I took these pics to demonstrate something important about gun storage: high density racking. 

The DOD uses this system for the same reason we do. When you have a large amount of firearms to store, horizontal display racking sucks rocks. 

Secureit Gun Storage System
In the process of getting inventory into room 1.

What that user needs is high density vertical racking. Notice the difference in used space for both methods, vis-à-vis the number of firearms stored. Big difference. 

Final note: Yes, we see the longer firearms are not placed optimally in this image. Right now, we are in the process of moving long guns via gun cases, emptying those cases, then returning to the cache to fill them up again. Rinse & repeat. This process is expected to last 3+ days. 


P.S. The website for this rack system is listed above. No, this isn’t a compensated / paid endorsement. Secureit doesn’t know us from Adam.






“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”

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