Update 11-24-22: The John1911 store is open. As discussed earlier, we are starting small with some coffee mugs. Click the “store” button in the main menu or visit:
So the run of John1911 coffee mugs are in. Made and engraved by RTIC. 20oz. Navy blue color and a silver John1911 logo.
Still working out the kinks with the shipping software, but hope to have these live soon.
Also in full disclosure, I chose these as a good first item to reintroduce the store because the logistics are pretty easy. One size. One color. Same shipping box. No size returns, etc, etc, etc.
You get the point.
Finally because it needs to be discussed at some point. We didn’t order hundreds of these. I have no plans to stock this item forever. There were enough made for distribution amongst staff and some leftover for our regulars who might want one.
How many is that? We ordered 24. After in-house uptake, what would that leave? 12-15 maybe? Considering we have over 200k people on our Facebook page and over 10k people on the mailing list, etc, etc. Was 24 a mistake?
If we get a hundred people asking for them, maybe I’ll have more made. But if not? We sold what we had and moved on. This is important because the new store won’t be operating like the old tacticaltshirts.com store.
Items will be offered in small batches. Sold. And the line closed. Should interest in something continue or build back up, we can open the line again for another limited run.
This is a lesson we learned from the old days when we made stuff to order. Certain lines and designs were open for 3-5 years. Plenty were sold. But when some of those lines did close down due to a lack of interest, ONLY THEN would a second crush of people come out of the woodwork asking, “Hey, Man. Can I get one of those [Chris Kyle, A-10, etc] shirts?”.
That told us people were saying, “I’d like to get one of those, but I’ll do it tomorrow”. And tomorrow never comes.
At John1911.com, there is no tomorrow. There is no later. We aren’t filling The Armory with shelves and shelves of merchandise that sits for years. This new building is 80% firearms or management of our facilities. The shipping department isn’t storage. It’s shipping. Stuff is either on the way out, or about to be.
Stay tuned. This will make more sense in 2023.
“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”
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