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M16A1 Furniture is Hard to Find?

M16A1 Clone Upper at Camp Perry 2017

Something weird start happening after I posted some videos of our Colt SP1. Numerous people were commenting and e-mailing asking where they can get part X,Y,Z for a A1 Clone build.

The biggest gripe was a certain large, online retailer was out of stock on their reproduction furniture.

“That’s weird”, I thought. While I haven’t been in the gun-show game in many years, I recall there being stacks and stacks and stacks of A1 parts laying around. You couldn’t give this stuff away. And…many of the original A1’s were converted to later formats. Meaning there are more furniture sets than there are A1 rifles. Most likely.

Tables of uppers everywhere. Pick your flavor.

So…when I want to Camp Perry this year, look what I saw. Stacks of A1 furniture. Parts. Uppers. You name it. It was there. And nobody was buying. Why? Because it’s Camp Perry and the A1 isn’t cool there.

Want to build your own. Boxes of A1 parts. Everywhere.

If you are looking to put a clone or parts gun, A1 together? And you are having issues sourcing parts or rectifying prices on the internet? Just hit your local gun show or flea market. Gunbroker isn’t the real world, people.



“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”

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