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Market Report – 5.56 Valmet Magazines

Market Report - The Cost of 5.56 Valmet Magazines
5.56 Valmet Magazine Market Report

Over the past month, I have had numerous people reach out looking for 5.56 Valmet magazines. More than usual. But one message in particular caught my eye. In essence it said, 

“I have a M71 Valmet, but no mag. Do you know where I can find a cheaper one?” 

Market Report - The Cost of 5.56 Valmet Magazines
Standard 5.56 Factory Valmet Magazine.

What’s weird about that question is the implied option. Specifically the buyer thinking he has an option. When it comes to Valmet magazines, it’s all or nothing. Either see one available for sale, or you don’t. You pays what you pays….

Gets me thinking, how expensive are 5.56 Valmet magazines these days? So here is what I found:

Market Report - The Cost of 5.56 Valmet Magazines
$500 bucks here. Multiple locations had them at either 499 or 500.

 The going rate seems to be $500. Some aspirational listing are at $750. That’s per mag. 

The bad news is that is much higher than I paid for our pile of Valmet mags. If I recall, our mags averaged around $200 a pop and we bought a huge pile of them. 9 or so. (CLICK HERE) 

Market Report - The Cost of 5.56 Valmet Magazines
Here’s two from the same seller looking for $750. Will he get it? Dunno. But if I needed ONE mag, I would be tempted.

The last market report I did, they were at $300-350.  

Now it’s 5-700$. That’s the bad news. Here is the good news. Looking around the usual corners of the internet, I found at least 6 separate, factory, Valmet 5.56 magazines for sale. Back in the day, you literally couldn’t find a SINGLE 223 Valmet mag with a search warrant. 

So for all you guys who picked up a M71 or M76 Valmet without a single magazine, I think any mag at $300 is a steal. $400 is a deal. $500 is keeping it real. And $700 is something akin to the back parking lot at The Blue Oyster Bar. 

“Butt” sometimes in life you gotta take it. And how bad is the BOHICA-game gonna be in 5 years? Plan accordingly. 






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