Home All Market Report – Glock 17L

Market Report – Glock 17L

Market Report - Glock 17L
Market Report - Glock 17L

I remember these guns when they came out. As a matter of fact, I had a buddy who, “got a deal on one” only to very quickly regret making said deal. 

His logic at the time was it’s too big to carry, too big for duty, just about zero holster support, so it was relegated to being a range toy. Once he mentally went there, I shit you not, his perception went from getting a deal to, “I got screwed”. 

So the scramble was on to “get out of it”. And if I recall correctly, I think he even lost money doing so. Here’s to hoping he put that gun behind him and never sees this transaction number: $4416.00

Holy shit. 






“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”

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