Home All Mexican Weapons Bust

Mexican Weapons Bust

Mexican Marines Bust Drugs and Guns

Ok. The truth is, this is a drug bust. But we concern ourselves primary with weapons. My interest in drugs is more international criminal / geo-political in nature. But I’ll try to keep this mostly to guns.

One, I always enjoy looking at “bust” photos if they come across my desk. Anything from illegal arms shipments intercepted in CENTCOM, or junks full of com-bloc weapons (what we call Non-Standard weapons) in PACCOM or whatever dirt-bags south of the border are killing each with this week?

What we have here are Mexican Marines who have busted some ne’er-do-wells in the drug trade. How do I know it’s the drug trade you ask? Because it’s ALWAYS the drug trade in Mexico! Always. Dope is Mexico. Intellectual property (IP) is China. But I digress.

Mexican Marines Bust Drugs and Guns
Mexican Marines Bust Drugs and Guns

Take a close look at this photo. I see quite a few weapons that certainly did not come out of the US gun market: RPG’s, belt-feed MG’s, The FAL’s likely did not, ditto for the G36. The same could be said for just about any select-fire weapon that hasn’t been modified.

But there are defiantly some US weapons here: The FN PS90’s with the longer barrels for the US market? Yup. The HiPoint Carbine? 100%, and oddly enough just about anything that has a thumbhole stock on it is tell-tale sign of a cross border weapon. In most cases anyway.

Now for the shocker? I surprised I don’t see more US market weapons on the table. I take that as a good sign. At least until a left US politician decides to flood Mexico with illegal weapons just to artificially create an international crisis that “somebody needs to do something” about.

But that’s crazy talk. That would never happen. Never, ever.

Now for the real talk. If Trump gets elected, it’ll be more than Hillary who is jeopardy of going to jail. There’s multiple DOJ folks looking at serious slammer time if the truth ever were to get out.




“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”

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