Home All New Tractor Arrives – Massey 4707

New Tractor Arrives – Massey 4707

Massey 4707
Massey-Ferguson 4707 Tractor

Sorry for the delay in getting our content out on it’s normal schedule. But unfortunately, or fortunately depending on how you look at it; we had to run out and buy a tractor for range maintenance. Which you see here. Actually sitting on the John1911 range. A Massey-Ferguson 4707, 75hp tractor. Configured as shown, it tips the scales at just over 11,000lbs. 

And no, that is not a typo. 

Spent about 5 hours today cutting the front field, parking area and the 600yard impact zone. More cutting this week, but that shouldn’t really be an factor in the publishing schedule.  





“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”

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