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Officer Upgrades His Sniper Rifle

Blaser Tactical 2 Standard and Folding Stock Upgrade

A friend of the blog, “Officer J”, reached out to share some photos. He has upgraded his call-out rifle to a folding stock chassis and has outfitted the old stock as a dedicated night vision rig. Pretty interesting pics. He writes…

…I picked another Tac-2 up, but this one came with a modular chassis. It’s pretty sweet, but heavy as hell compared to the original composite non-folding frame.
I decided to use the new rifle for my duty weapon being that it collapses, which will be great for urban hides and the use of a smaller drag bag.
With all the extra parts, I put together a dedicated night vision rifle. I had a Raptor gen3 fixed 4x  scope that needed a home. I zeroed it last night at 100 yards and it’s dead on.
I’m also doing a test and evaluation with the Eotech M2124LR (white phosphorus) forward mounted NV device. So far so good. I’ll keep you posted on the results.”

Callout rifle with night vision equipment attached.

Thanks, “Officer J”. You know the Blaser rifles float my boat. Good luck and stay safe.



“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”

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