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Polaris General – Windows & Heater Kit

Polaris General Window & Heater Kit
Polaris General with window and heater kit installed.

So we made an upgrade to the John1911 Range UTV. Had Polaris install a window a heater kit. And considering how cold it has gotten this year, it’s about time. 

Polaris General Window & Heater Kit
Opted for the glass back window.

Tested it a little bit yesterday and ran the heater. It’s electric so takes a minute to get up to temp. But those fan blowers are no joke. 

Polaris General Window & Heater Kit
The control stack.

After running it around for a but, decided to turn unit off and see how long it stayed warm. Lasted quite a while. I suspect the windows blocking the wind made a huge difference. 

Polaris General Window & Heater Kit
Vents all over the dashboard.

The next time we get below zero (which might not even be this winter), you can be assured we will be out in The General, checking trails and targets to really shake down this heater. 

Polaris General Window & Heater Kit
I guess the techs found expended 556 brass in the machine. Whoops 😉





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