Home 1911 Pistols POTD – Oracle 2311

POTD – Oracle 2311

POTD - Oracle 2311
POTD - Oracle 2311 Right side.

Took these pics a little while back when I first saw the 2311 in a local FFL. At the time, I wasn’t planning on buying it, just sharing some images. 

Within a few minutes of getting it out of the case, I felt like this warranted inclusion into the reference collection. The main reasons being one, we don’t have any “2011’s” in the collection. And two, the 2311 is unique enough mechanically to stand on it’s own should the company go out of business. 

POTD - Oracle 2311
POTD – Oracle 2311 – Three Quarter front in display case.

For those new here: No. I won’t be switching from our Wilson EDC X9L. We will probably shoot some content with this every so often since I suspect many are interested in it. 

So enjoy the detailed pics. 






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