Home All POTD: Steyr Hahn P08 & Luger P08

POTD: Steyr Hahn P08 & Luger P08

l: German Luger 9mm. r: Austrian Steyr-Hahn in 9mm.

I don’t like guns I can’t shoot. Some are too valuable to shoot since they are NRA 99% original. Others are too expensive to shoot since the ammo is crazy hard to find.

So imagine my surprise when I started finding out from Freeze that at various points in history, bureaucrats and quartermasters kinda felt the same way. So they forced commonality of ammunition even at the beginning of the 20th century.

l: German Luger 9mm. r: Austrian Steyr-Hahn in 9mm.
l: German Luger 9mm. r: Austrian Steyr-Hahn in 9mm.

Here are too such examples: A German Luger P08 and Steyr-Hahn P08. The 08 is the German designation for what we call today 9mm Parabellum, 9mm Luger or 9×19. Originally these guns were chambered in 9mm-Steyr and 30 Luger respectively.

So yes, the same ammo you shoot in your Glock will run in these. So the next time you see one of these for sale, pay special attention to the caliber. You might be as surprised as I was.
“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”