Home 1911 Pistols Project 1 Springs – Chapter 2

Project 1 Springs – Chapter 2

Wilson Combat - Division 77 - Project 1 Springs - Chapter 2
Wilson Combat - Division 77 - Project 1 Springs - Chapter 2

This is a second video addressing how we approach spring weights in the Wilson X9L & Project 1 guns. 

In no way are we speaking for Wilson Combat or their customer service team. However, we have discussed this with Wilson Combat directly and they found no flaws in our approach. 

Additionally, since this will come up; the spring weight that ships with the original 100, limited edition Project 1 guns is 11.25lbs. Not 12 as some of you might have heard on the internet. 

The weights and philosophy we discuss here are for 5” guns only:





Disclaimer: The goal of this video is better explain John1911’s approach to X9L – Project 1 spring weights and our use case. This is probably not an approach you need to take. If you are not inclined to think about pistol springs, clean your gun religiously after every range session, and don’t run a high-volume shooting range? This video probably isn’t for you. 






“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”


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