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Siberian Tiger Mount

Siberian Tiger Mount
Siberian Tiger Mount

I spotted this mount while stopped in a small Wyoming shop. It caught my attention because I had never seen a private tiger mount before. At least not in person. 

While I have heard of “Siberian Tigers” I certainly didn’t know much about them besides the…you know…tiger thing. 

Siberian Tiger Mount
The Siberian Tiger Mount as displayed.

Interesting facts. The Siberian Tiger in 1900 had a very wide range of territory. And like most apex predators around the world, were seriously beaten back by humans. There was a time when various tiger species were known as far west at Afghanistan & Iraq. With some even reaching the modern Turkish – Georgian regions of the Black Sea. 


Tiger Habitat and Ranges
Various species of Tiger habitat 1900 vs 1990.

And this kinda gets me to an important point. I am not against hunting. I have done some light hunting. And while the whole world is at my fingertips on the internet, that tiger mount did more to motivate me to read and research about Siberian Tigers, their history, habitat and population status. 

Siberian Tiger Mount
Notice the deer. That’s a big buck. Look how large the tiger is relatively.

Big predators get wiped out by humans because we are in direct conflict with them. By managing licensed hunting and habitat, dangerous animals like the Siberian Tiger can not only survive, but thrive. 

Tiger Habitat and Ranges
Siberian Tiger Ranges 1900 vs 1990.

Fun fact: New research has shown that the presence of Siberian Tigers seriously depresses wolf populations. As in significantly. Poach the tigers, the wolves come back in large packs. Let the tigers be, the wolves get knocked back hard. 

Maybe there is a middle ground solution for managing all those wolves the government releases into Yellowstone after all. “The American Glacier Tiger”. 

You heard it here first, Folks!  






“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”
