Home All Stevens 520 Faux Trench Gun

Stevens 520 Faux Trench Gun

Stevens 520-30 Riot Gun
Stevens 520 Trench Gun

So here is another faux trench gun I ran across a little while back. One done up on a Stevens 520. Aka the M520-30 Riot Gun.

Stevens 520-30 Riot Gun
Stevens 520 Faux Sniper

Just to be absolutely clear, this gun is NOT being presented as original or true military surplus. It’s a gun that was done up by a collector some years ago, and is being sold as such. 

Stevens 520-30 Riot Gun
Stevens 520 Riot Gun heat shield and bayonet mount.

As stated before, I like guns like this. At least shotguns and some snipers. The reason being the user gets most of the experience and none of the risk associated with damaging or destroying a rare collectable. 

Stevens 520-30 Riot Gun
No proper military markings. Which is OK.

For example: the Springfield 1903 faux snipers. We could take it to the range. Shoot period appropriate drills with it, experience some of the “lessons learned”, and not risk blowing up an irreplaceable firearm. 

Stevens 520-30 Riot Gun
Stevens 520-30 Riot Gun. Faux Trench Gun.





“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”

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