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Storm Damage

John1911 Storm Damage April 2020
John1911 Storm Damage. Widow Maker on Spine Trail.

I have spent most of the last two weeks cutting up trees that have blocked trails on the backside of our range. It’s a lot of work. Primarily because some years ago our area was hit with the Emerald Ash Borer from Asia. 

And that nasty little bug has killed just about every ash tree for hundreds of miles. Unfortunately the John1911 range has, or had, a ton of Ash Trees.

Now we have a ton of giant, dead, and dangerous trees that can’t fall soon enough. And every time there is a storm, a bunch do. But this last round were particularly strong with straight-line winds exceeding 50MPH. 

Some of the local farmers had significant building damage and I was wondering if maybe we lost The Shelter. Or more specially if maybe the tree next to the shelter fell over on it?

Thankfully no major facility damage was suffered. One VTAC barricade was broken. Heck we didn’t even lose a single target stand or backer! 

However, the back of the property is a wreck. We have dead trees down everywhere. And even worse, some of the dead trees are suspended in the air on top of other dead trees. That is what the local farmers call a “widow maker”. 

So while most of you are hunkered down with NETFLIX, I will be holding my own private, personal, chainsaw party. At least I am not wanting for exercise. 

Nobody pandemics like me. 






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