Tag: FNS 9
SHS-58: FNS-9 w/ 6 Magazines
On this episode of the Second Hand Showcase, we have a pistol I am very familiar with: The FNS-9. This example seems hardly used:
Demo of FNS Striker Drop Issue
Last week we posted a video discussing the reported FNS striker drop issue some PD’s have been complaining about. CLICK HERE FOR VIDEO. As...
The One Problem With The Glock 19
First of all, let me start off by saying that the Glock 19 is the gold-standard world wide for service and civilian pistols. As...
Backwards Primer Caught on Video
A few months ago I posted an image of a friend of mine getting some time in on steel. His first shot was a...
Video: A Friend Shooting His FNS9 Pistol
A friend wanted to shoot his FNS9 on steel. Not bad. Especially for a guy who's almost 70. What's your excuse?
"Shooting Guns & Having...
Backwards Primers. It Happens.
I was working on some timed drills yesterday. Pretty standard stuff on steel. Had a friend along who is a big-time reloader. He brought...
Traveling to a 3-Gun Match
Our good friend Wes is shooting a 3-gun event in North Carolina this weekend. The match is quite far from his home state. As...