Nobody seems to be able to give me a straight answer, but CMP is currently disposing of about eight hundred 30-40 US Army, Krag-Jorgensen rifles.

OK. Read. That. Again. The CMP apparently has around 800 US Military, surplus, late 1800’s, Krag-Jorgensen rifles in their system, ready to be disposed of!

My question is from where?!? Did these come out of the back room of some Army base? If so, which one? Or has CMP been sitting on these for decades?

Did they know they had them? Or was it a random “discovery” to realize CMP had 800 rifles that were first issued…checking my notes…126 years ago?
In closing, I am sure most readers of don’t really care about a weird bolt gun, in a weird caliber, from over 100 years ago.

But for the 3 of us that are interested, how is this possible? How were they discovered? Where did they come from? Is CMP sitting on more “discoveries” yet to be told? Or is this a rainy-day strategy to rise funds?
What’s going on here?
“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”
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