Home All Trying to Beat the Rain – Russian Sniper 

Trying to Beat the Rain – Russian Sniper 

Trying to beat the rain - Russian Sniper Rifle

So…how do you spend time waiting for a bulldozer to show up for backstop work? Well for me, it’s getting stuff off my to do list. In this case I am zeroing a Russian Sniper and need to confirm with a group.

Then…the rain started coming in. And as a general rule, we don’t like to swamp WWII reference collection guns. 

So…knowing shot #3 was going to be the last, I decided to see if it was on steel at 230 yards. It wasn’t. 

No worries. More shooting happened that day. I just didn’t film it since I didn’t want to swamp the camera either. 

Just another day in the salt mines. 






“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”

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