Home All Why I Didn’t Spend Big Money on a G36 Conversion

Why I Didn’t Spend Big Money on a G36 Conversion

Traditional HK G36 with integrated optic.

It has been announced by some US dealers that Heckler & Koch (HK) is bringing some of their MP5 semi-auto based pistols into the US. I guess they are specifically called the SP5K MP5K? Honestly, I am not familiar with all the model and name variations for some of these guns. To me they are MP5’s. Just like how a high-end, US made AR carbine is commonly called a M4. Even though it’s a semi-auto. I know. I know. The aficionados will be along shortly to correct me. Can you tell I don’t care?

But what really piques my interest with this development was a bet I made when the HK VP9 came out. HK seems to be trying to legitimately compete in the US handgun market finally. HK is trying very hard for more US military contracts. And HK has taken it on the chin with their G36 military contracts in Germany and elsewhere. Finally, HK as a company has suffered through some significant financial problems.

Original G36c or possibly a G36 Conversion.
Original G36c or possibly a G36 Conversion.

So with the advent of products like the SIG-Brace, the explosion in the popularity of suppressors in the US (read that as needing shorter rifle barrels). The success of some US companies to knock-off legacy HK products such as PTR & Tommy Built (demand). And more and more foreign firearms makers bringing in “pistol” formatted 5.56 weapons, times are a changing.

G36 can take both HK or STANAG magazines.
G36 can take both HK or STANAG magazines.

Could HK win a few more contracts for US service weapons and need to expand their US based manufacturing? Yes.

Could HK look for alternative sources of revenue for their G36 rifles, ship G36 parts kits to the country, and move receiver tooling into the US? Yes.

Could HK decide to bring in the G36C as a pistol? Yes.

For that matter, could HK do the same same for other rifles in their line such as the HK91, HK93, etc? Yes.

So while I am in the market for an affordable SBR type 9mm fun-gun such as the MP5, my eye is on the real prize: A honest to goodness G36 or G36c derivative.

G36 Shorty I believe called a G36c? Easily could be brought in as a pistol?
G36 Shorty I believe called a G36c? Easily could be brought in as a pistol?

That is the real story here. Not the K-pistols.


“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”

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