Home All The 2016 Sullivan Cup Tank Competition

The 2016 Sullivan Cup Tank Competition


The 2016 Sullivan Cup competition was held this past week at Ft. Benning. This year’s winning team is a National Guard unit out of North Carolina. Crews are tested in multiple skill sets that includes everything from logistics, to small arms proficiency, main gun accuracy and speed, and simulated combat missions.

And Yes, the winning crew gets to keep those pistols. Congratulations to, “Old Hickory”.

This post is more video heavy than normal so make sure you scroll all the way to the bottom to see everything.


M1 Abrams crew at the 2016 Sullivan Cup
M1 Abrams crew at the 2016 Sullivan Cup



M1 Abrams crew at 2016 Sullivan Cup
M1 Abrams crew at 2016 Sullivan Cup

Here is a different camera view as a enemy APC makes itself known.

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