Home All Worst Deal Camp Perry 2016

Worst Deal Camp Perry 2016

Cut HK-91 / G3 lowers.

So we swung by the Springfield shop during the 2016 National Matches at Camp Perry. And just like 2015, the super-crazy priced HK91 / G3 Magazines were still sitting there. You will note, we reported on these last year. Makes you wonder if they are really interested in selling them or just stock them as wall hangers?

Steel mags on the left. Aluminum on the right. Dumb prices.
Steel mags on the left. Aluminum on the right. Dumb prices.

What I did see that was interesting were some cut G3 select-fire lowers. Perfect for your 100% correctly marked semi-auto pr post 86 build.

Cut HK-91 / G3 lowers.
Cut HK-91 / G3 lowers.

And finally, there were seats available in the leather chairs! Unless you have been to Camp Perry, you might not understand just how rare this picture is. Promptly, our senior “mi amigo” plopped down and started eating a fresh bag of popcorn. A Camp Perry favorite.

The leather chairs at Camp Perry were available.
The leather chairs at Camp Perry were available.

See you next year.



“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”

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