Home All Breaking – Ruger Considering Submitting Ruger American Pistol for US Army Contract

Breaking – Ruger Considering Submitting Ruger American Pistol for US Army Contract

Ruger American Modular Pistol

I got word on whether Ruger is going after the military contract with its American pistol. “That’s still an open question,” says Ruger’s Chief Pistol Engineer, Joseph Zajk. “The CEO says ‘no,’ but he’s willing to have his mind changed.” Ruger’s CEO is a brilliant man and he’s probably considering the fact that if Ruger did win such a contract, they would, as part of it, have to turn over all of the technology that goes into the American pistol. Once that contract is up, the military can take that technology out to bid. So while there’s a lot of status to winning the contract, and a lot of pistols, it’s not all rainbows and unicorns for a gun maker.

Editor’s note: When reports of the Army’s Modular Handgun System (MHS) RFP came out, it was reported that Ruger wasn’t going to submit a pistol for consideration. Since then, they have released the Ruger American which seems to meet many of the Army’s proposed pistol requirements. So I asked Scott to run down someone at Ruger and get an updated position. —Marky


Scott Mayer

“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”

Scott Mayer
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