I suppose there are people like me in the gun community who don’t know who Team Wendy is…errr…well…was. What I mean by that is I am personally of the opinion that a lot of the equipment pimped to my fellow pro-gun enthusiasts is…how shall I saw it….douchey.
My thinking comes from a strict interpretation of the word, “kit”. In my circles, that word means one, very specific thing: standardized equipment that was issued to you, and your fellow workers, by a controlling authority. In layman’s terms: work clothes.
So it wouldn’t come as a surprise to my friends and co-workers that if pressed on the subject, I would have to guess what products Team Wendy sells. Even though I have heard that name for many years professionally. I can’t name every make and model of parachute I have jumped. I can’t name every make and model of flashlight have I have used. I can’t name every make and model of magazine I have loaded. And I can’t name every make and model of pants I have ever worn on a range. Example: to me they are ALL 5.11 pants, much like all tissues are Kleenex.
Sorry, folks. But that’s just how life really works.
With all that being said, I recognize there is a huge group of people in my community who follow the minutia of every brand and label and model down to the sub-atomic level. “If it’s good enough for US Marines, it’s good enough for me. If it’s good enough for LA SWAT, it’s good enough for me. If it’s good enough for Delta Force, it’s good enough for me”.
And Team Wendy has traded on this for years. All one has to do is look at the photos on their website showing the late Pat Rogers pimping their gear. Which honestly makes me cringe in light of all that has come out.
So What Happened?
Recently Team Wendy hosted Democratic Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton at their facility while she made a national address advocating rolling back your Second Amendment Rights in the wake of the Orlando Terrorist Attack. You know, the same rights the very customers of Team Wendy hold so dear.
The immediate result was a backlash against Team Wendy. If they would host Hillary Clinton, who exactly are these people at Team Wendy? Well the data is in. Team Wendy and their senior staff have been donating significant amounts of money to Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, The Democratic National Party and a myriad of anti-gun politicians for many years. Hell! They even have donations to Charlie “I don’t pay my taxes” Rangel!
Think about the irony of it all. Over the course of any 12 month period since Team Wendy was founded in 1997, their average civilian, pro-gun-customer has probably given more money to an anti-gun company than even to the NRA! By a factor of 10.
To all you folks who have Team Wendy gear, my advice would be flush that shit the same way Pat Rogers used to, “launch a democrat”. They sell stupid, F’ing, bump-helmets. If you really need it, your agency can buy that crap anywhere. Cheap. If it needs to be “tactical”, you can rattle-can it for about $0.05. If you are a civilian, I suggest you take this opportunity look in the mirror and revaluate your priorities.
But…if after reading this entire article you absolutely, positively have to drop $300 on a piece of “kit”, why don’t you buy a freaking shot timer and do something with your life.
“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”
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