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Glock is Already the Military Service Pistol

US Marine Shooting Team member firing a Glock in the UK.

The fix is in. I thought maybe with the rumors about the SIG P320 being the FBI favorite, things would change?

But the FBI just choose a Glock. And IMO it will be a standard Glock. Not some crazy custom, new Glock. Why? Because the 9mm Glock is already in the FBI’s Table of Equipment (TOE). You see, the FBI academy has always had an option for cadets having issues mastering the 40 to run the 9mm and work their way up.

US SF Troops with Glocks.
US SF Troops with Glocks.

IMO, that means the Glock 9mm they chose is probably already on their TOE. Which bypasses the RFP they released with all the SIG P320 characteristics. If you doubt me, just look at the military’s testing to replace the M-16/A4. For all the whoo-ha about piston this, modular that, what did they do? Declared the existing M4 good to go and moved out with that.

The Glock handgun for the DOD won’t be ANY different. It’s already everywhere. Navy SEALS just picked up the Glock 19. Combat Applications Group, AKA Delta switched to Glock years ago. The 75th Ranger Regiment has Glocks. And even the much vaunted USMC Recon element with their custom Colt 1911s? Have been seen with Glocks.

US Marine Shooting Team member firing a Glock in the UK.
US Marine Shooting Team member firing a Glock in the UK.

Among others.

Below is a photo that we got in 2013. It’s a US Special Forces solider at the famous SF sniper competition held at Ft. Bragg. While many focused on the AR pattern sniper rifle, most missed the handgun on his hip. It’s not a Beretta. It’s not a SIG. It’s not a 1911. It’s a Glock.

US Army Solider with Glock 2013.
US Army Solider with Glock 2013.

And finally, when WE were outfitting all the Iraqi National Army and Iraqi National Police with handguns, what did they get?

You guessed it: Glocks.

I am not a Glock fan-boy. Ergonomically, it’s 30 years behind the times. But facts and stats are irrefutable. Even the Chief of Staff of the Army came out and said the current Service Pistol Competition was a big waste of money and time. He wanted to buy Glocks in bulk from Cabelas.

US SF Troops with Glock Pistols.
US SF Troops with Glock Pistols.

And I can’t blame him.

“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”

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