Home All Good Price on a Used Barrett 50

Good Price on a Used Barrett 50

Barrett M82 50 BMG.

Those who listen to our podcast are aware of the long range shooting facility “project” we have brewing on the east coast. The potential of such long range has put me in the market for a 50BMG rifle.

But like many of you, money is an issue. So why pay full retail for a 50 when most used ones are not shot that much?

While I was down at Bud’s a few months back, I happened to see a used Barrett in the showroom. Frankly, I didn’t think the price was bad at all. While I won’t be picking up this particular example, I figured I would pass on the info.

And no, Buds has no idea who we are. And we have no relationship with them in anyway. Those who are aware of “Don’t Tell Me This Isn’t A Service Rifle” post should probably have guessed that.



Shooting Guns & Having Fun”

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