Home All Armory Chat 37: Gwinn Rifle Repair

Armory Chat 37: Gwinn Rifle Repair

Bushmaster Gwinn Rifle stock repair.

Episode 37 of the Armory Chat series. This time, we discuss the problems and questions with the Bushmaster model of rifle manufactured by Gwinn Firearms.

We think this rife was made in the 1980’s. Not out of any factual evidence, just the feeling and style this rifle exudes.

Primary issue: the folding stock design from the factory is terrible. It was destined to come loose over long and hard use.

That is how we received it. So we sent it in to our 07 FFL to do the work. What he discovered was astonishing: roll pins, over steel blind pins, pushed into a tubular body.

So after cleaning up all the damage, our 07 updated the design so it’s more secure then the original.

Can’t ask for anymore than that, if you aren’t going to put a modern M4 stock on it.

We choose to keep the basic design of the rifle faithful to when it was released new.



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