Home All Detonics Pocket 9

Detonics Pocket 9

Detonics Pocket 9
Detonics Pocket 9 in original box.

Was in Shooters Supply (Loveland, OH) this past week on some other business. And every time I am in the shop, we always ask the owner, “You have anything I need to see?”.

Detonics Pocket 9
Detonics Pocket 9 right side.

He pops out of his chair and pulls this out of the case. A Detonics Pocket 9 with original box and papers. Apparently just came in. 

It’s an unusual gun. From a different time. By a maker that I believe is no longer in business. Right up our alley! But…for starters I personally hate pocket rockets. Second, it has been my experience none of these old semi-autos run. And finally, I bet it sucks rocks to shoot. So I passed. 

Detonics Pocket 9
Detonics Pocket 9 Left side.

Let me explain further. These days the market takes sub-compacts for granted. Small. Somewhat reliable. Lite weight. A little dehorned. Etc, etc, etc. 

Detonics Pocket 9
Condition of the original box is pretty good, IMO.

But let me tell you, this thing was a brick! No kidding, you could literally pistol-whip a bad guy with the Pocket 9 and probably cripple them for life! I can’t imagine trying to wear it as a bug-gun as a cop. On your upper body, it’s so damn thick, it would print badly. On your ankle, it’s so heavy you’d be running down perps with a gate looking like Oscar Pistorius. 

If you hate pocket rockets today, in the 1970’s and 80’s they were flaming turds. I bet a black powder musket would be for useful as a backup than this thing. 






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