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CMMG 22 Conversion 

Follower stops bolt.

SHOT show is next week. And for another year, I am relieved to not be in attendance. Back in the day, I used to work the event. On the LE side. It made for a long week. 

And yes it was a week. Because setup and teardown always added more days on both ends of the show. 

The Kit

But something happened today in the Armory that got me thinking. Exactly 9 years ago next week, I acquired this AR-15 22 conversion kit. Made by CMMG. A co-worker was famous for hustling all the fellow vendors. And would usually score some amazing deals. 

On the very last day of the show. Friday. Around 4 o-clock, he popped up and said we should go get some CMMG 22 kits. Not being much of an AR guy at the time, I wasn’t really that interested. But the peer pressure started to get to me. 

The Magazines

“Maybe they know something I don’t?”

Well…as soon as we got back, the kit was packed away. For 9 years. Never shot. Heck! Never even placed inside of a rifle! 

9 years. 


What in the hell is wrong with me? I like 22’s. I’m buried in AR’s up to my neck. Why don’t I just go out in tomorrow’s -10 degree day and shoot the damn thing?

So I will. 


In opening the package, I was pleasantly surprised to find not one, but THREE CMMG mags. I’m just sorry it has taken me NINE YEARS to appreciate the small things. 






“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”

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