Home All Blaser Tac 2 Law Enforcement Buy

Blaser Tac 2 Law Enforcement Buy

Blaser Tactical Law Enforcement Buy
Blaser Tactical Law Enforcement Buy

It has been brought to my attention that a US based police department is negotiating a ONE-TIME buy for Blaser Tactical 2 barrels. These would be coming from Germany. 

I do not have time lines or prices as they have not been set yet. The purchase will be for barrels only. Not magazines. The calibers available will only be the 4 original calibers offered by the factory: 223, 308. 300WM, 338LM. 

If you are a United States based law enforcement officer, or agency, and wish to be a part of this one time buy? Please send us a message through the contact form on this website. 

The message will need to come from an official LE/GOV e-mail account or you will need to provide LE credentials in your message. I will then put you in contact with the agency / officer who is coordinating the deal. 

A few data points:

  1. As of this writing, the deal hasn’t been agreed to. 
  2. Import / Export licensing hasn’t been finalized yet.
  3. General questions can be posted in comments below. 
  4. Do NOT post your contact info in the comments below. 
  5. No. This is not open to civilians no matter how much money you have. I tried. Sorry.
  6. Should the deal fall apart or move forward, I will update here as needed. 

That is all. 






“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”

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