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Geissele Super 42 Buffer Upgrade

Geissele Super 42 Buffer
In with the new.

Been A LOT of workbench posts lately, but maintaining and completing projects necessitates that. 

Geissele Super 42 Buffer
Geissele buffer packaging seems nice.

The Gemtech Integra upper has shown some signs of being under-sprung. If that’s what you call having too lite of a buffer in it? I say that since when it comes to AR’s, I don’t build them. I don’t modify them. I shoot them. Keeps the BS to a minimum. Read that as, my gun works while a lot of the home builds don’t. 

Geissele Super 42 Buffer
This is the H2 weight but I think that’s user changeable inside.

Years and years of seeing hobby & craft guns go down has really calcified my opinion on the matter. But I digress. 

Geissele Super 42 Buffer
Old buffer and spring up top. New buffer and spring on bottom.

The Integra was bought as an upper, so we have to mate it to a lower. And while the upper is 16” long, the barrel is just 10.5”, with the rest being baffles & expansion chamber. 

Geissele Super 42 Buffer
In with the new.

As many of you AR-pistol guys already know, a 10.5” pistol usually benefits from an H2 or sometimes H3 buffer. Also being integrally suppressed, the buffer spring noise is VERY noticeable when shooting. So after some research, I stumbled on the Geissele Super 42 setup. It has a triple-wire spring that dampens the noisy vibrations with whatever buffer weight the user wants (H2). 

Geissele Super 42 Buffer
At the range testing it out.

So…here we are. Me tweaking the action speed of an AR rifle. Which low-key still makes me want to barf. When the summer is over, maybe I’ll swing back through with some opinions and observations on how it all worked. 






“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”

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