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How Do You Determine Level?

Scope leveling and offset from barrel.

I will admit that the title of this post may seem a little odd. These photos originated out of the UK. When I saw the pics at first, it was confusing. Initially it was relayed that the owner was, “leveling his scope”. But after looking at this contraption for a bit, I have come to think he was…maybe…trying to mount his scope AND level…his…levels? Not sure. The device is a new one for me. But it gives me a great opportunity to correct a common misconception about rifle scopes.

Standard Bubble Level on a scope.
Standard Bubble Level on a scope.

I will put it in terms of my own personal scope mounting experience.


1. Regardless of make, reticles don’t always match up perfectly with scope bodies and turrets. Think about that for a minute.

2. If looking though the glass at a crooked reticle, would you shoot it that way or naturally straighten it out in your grip?

Scope leveling and offset from barrel.
Scope leveling and offset from barrel.

3. Two shooters fire a scope that is crooked in the mounts and both hold them level when firing, what is the deviation between the point of impact for both?

4. The answer to point 3 is None. No deviation. Both will impact at the exact same place. This is true for 100 yards or 1000 yards.

Side view
Side view

5. If you are confused by 3, consider this: both reticles are level. And gravity doesn’t change.


You can hold the reticle level irrespective of what the bubble says.
You can hold the reticle level irrespective of what the bubble says.

Conclusion. I’m as OCD as the next shooter. And in my past I have been known to mount and level and remount. And level. And measure. And tweak scopes to a small level of madness. But here’s the deal. The only thing that matters is the reticle. NOT the scope body or turrets. Not the tools or bubbles. And once you achieve “level” in your mind’s eye, it can’t get, “more better”.


“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”

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