Home All Mossberg 500 Slugs on Steel

Mossberg 500 Slugs on Steel

Before and after deer slugs.

Those who have followed us for a while know the Freeze hunts quite a bit with a Mossberg 500 shotgun. Actually, it’s Mossberg’s economical line known as a New Haven Shotgun. As I type, I can’t recall how long he has been using this particular gun, but it’s at least 20 years. And possibly more.

Well…a few weeks before deer season in 2015, we go out to zero our guns on Mitchell’s range. But instead of shooting for groups on paper, we shot at steel.

When I was policing up the target stands, I snapped a few images of the results. Many people shoot deer slugs, but how many typically get to see the results on armor plate?



“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”

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