Home All Mounting DOA Scope on H&R 20 Gauge

Mounting DOA Scope on H&R 20 Gauge

Scope Mounted.

Do you live in rifle state? Do you hunt in a rifle state? Don’t know what I am talking about? Count your blessings because some of the places that Freeze and I hunt are shotgun only for deer season. I know. I know. Kinda sucks. But…here’s the good news. You take a 20 gauge H&R single shot with a rifled barrel and the appropriate slugs, and it’s ballistically a rifle or at least a mighty-fine carbine. I can put 2 slugs touching at 100 yards with this setup. I know a lot of hunting rifles that simply can’t do that. Ever.

The possibilities for a point-blank zero from 175 yards and in are quite interesting. It is my belief that advances in shotgun technology is the true impetus for the move towards straight wall rifle cartridges in these areas. Not incidentally, Freeze has put more meat on the table with a Mossberg 500 12 gauge than anything else. Lest you think it’s only the saboted slugs getting it done.

H&R 20 Gauge. Note Cocking Extension on hammer
H&R 20 Gauge. Note Cocking Extension on hammer

The lesson..should I ever find myself in a situation where I am invited to hunt some land last minute and I am given the offer to borrow a gun as a courtesy; if I see junior’s 20 gauge H&R in the corner, I’m making a bee-line straight at it. They are no-joke tack-drivers.




“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”