Tag: Firearms Training
Getting The Hard A
A habit I got into many, many years ago was to document my range sessions or any shooting. The primary reason was to get...
3 Second Par Time
Blowing the dust off the VP9 and playing with a 3 second par time. And the video tells the tale: I need to work...
The Best Manual Of Arms?
What is the best manual of arms? My advice is to master "one kind" first, and only then revaluate and grow from there. Only...
Barricade Shooting: Don’t Just Shoot Prone
Just trying to get a little practice in on the barricade. Getting used to the new chassis and suppressor.
Rifle: Blaser.
Caliber: 243
POTD – Zero Confirm At The Cool Kid Range
Had the chance to run over to the Cool-Kid LE range and do some quick zero tweaking. We have a thing. So in order...