Brazilian Army 556 FAL’s
DOD put these images out and I thought they were interesting. Here we see members of the US 101st shooting some Brazilian Army 556...
FAL Cleaning
When cleaning the FAL, I usually separate the upper from the lower. For me, it makes managing the bench much easier when swabbing the...
556 FAL Function Test
So…we were testing the SAR-4800 / 556 FAL trying to get it ready for some projects. It was initially gassed for some old Wolf...
FN FAL in Iraq
A reader from Iraq reached out and wanted some advice. His personal weapon is an honest to goodness FN made FAL. But he wishes...
FAL Rifles – The Good & The Bad
The rifle on the right almost caused me physical pain when I saw it at my local FFL.
“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”
Armory Chat EP14 — The People Have Spoken
It appears folks have chosen the 223 FN FAL as the first rifle to shoot some drills with. In order of votes:
FN FAL 223.