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Tag: Milsurp

Guess the gun. MAS Pistol.

POTD – Guess The Gun

Can you guess what gun this is? Notoriously rare in the United States for most of it’s existence.      Sincerely, Marky www.John1911.com “Shooting Guns & Having Fun”
What is this Luger

What Is This Luger?

Ok. Here’s the deal. We acquired this German Luger from an estate. I don’t know much about Lugers beyond them being Lugers & made...
German Luger

POTD – German Luger

The John1911 Armory recently picked up an entire estate of firearms. As for why will become clear later in the year. But in the...
Korean War KA-BAR Military Surplus Knife.

Korean War Bayonet

A note from Chris: Hey a while ago, I sent a picture of a combat knife from the Vietnam era that my dad had from...
The John1911 Podcast

EP-258: Stonewall Jackson Had Asperger’s

Episode 258 of the John1911 Podcast:   The boys are back! Monkey Pox Vaccine. Why every DP-51 is dirty. Stevens Multi-Caliber. I'm not seeing a...
Ishapore 2a1 Enfield

POTD – Ishapore 2A1 Enfield

Had the Ishapore 2a1 out for a bit last week. —Marky #john1911 #ishapore2a1 #enfield #762 #milsurp     Sincerely,  Marky www.John1911.com “Shooting Guns & Having Fun”

Vickers’ 1911 Guide

Two Colts made the same year. 1914. Civilian model in book. Military model in our reference collection. These second edition 1911 books are incredible....
FRF2 Magazine

FRF2 Rusty Magazines

As I have shown on video, the two magazines that came with our FRF2 sniper rifle had some light rust issues. Obviously the goal...
Bent Bayonet Repair

1891 Carcano Bayonet Repair

Follow up on a video we did a few weeks ago. Putting together a correct 1891 Carcano rifle, so a bayonet was in order.  However…the...
ZB-26 Semi-auto build.

ZB-26 Update

The ZB-26 project is almost complete. We just need a small tweak to the recoil system.    Sincerely,  Marky www.John1911.com “Shooting Guns & Having Fun”
SIG 550 Aftermarket Trigger

SIG 551 Aftermarket Trigger Up-Close

By viewer request, here are up close images of the SIG 551 aftermarket trigger. No, it’s not a drop-in cartridge like some of the...
Bayonet Markings

Weird Bayonet Markings

This bayonet was spotted at our local FFL and I thought the conversation was worth sharing here.  Notice the notches in the handle? Interesting. Does...
Gas Adjustment Tool

Rusted FAL Tool

I am posting this as kind of a reality check. Sometimes I wonder how the reader viewers things around here.  “Those fancy people with all...
Carcano rifle

1891 Carcano Rifle

Cleaning up some old business. In addition to the Vetterli rifle, we also picked up another 6.5 Carcano chambered rifle: The 1891 Carcano.  What makes...
Steyr M12 Barrel

New Production Steyr-Hahn Barrels

This recently popped up in our comment section and I thought it was deserving of it’s own post. There appears to be a company...