Someone reached out and wanted to know my opinion of the newly released Galil Ace in 223 vs the original Galil?
Frankly, I don’t know. I have zero time on either rifle. But the Galil Ace in 7.62 looks to me as, likely, the best AK rifle ever made. And I only say that from the improved ergonomics and manual of arms. Let’s be real, the AK sucks by modern standards. It just does.
As for the original Galil, I hate to admit this, but I have passed on multiple examples back before they got insane in their pricing. Now that we have a reference library, looking back I realize I made a huge mistake. I don’t recall specifically why I passed, but I’m sure it has to do with how much I despised, “AK ergos”. If I ever decide to break down and get an original example today, I will pay oh so dearly for it.
Interesting side note: I have an old co-worker who played with a Galil back in the day as a work, call-out rifle. Ultimately he sold it. His primary reason? Weight. It was too heavy for a 5.56 rifle. At least when given the choice to choose something else.
As for the new Galil Ace in 223 that takes STANAG magazines? It’s a neat gun. Will I buy one? If I have to give you an answer right now, that would be a no. For me, there are just too many 5.56 rifles that walk-the-dog. But…if one fell into my lap for a super-deal? Sure. A 5.56 variant would end up in the armory reference collection.
Wish I had more to offer, Folks. The Galil just isn’t in my wheel-house.
“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”
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