Home All Video- How to Move a Gun Safe

Video- How to Move a Gun Safe

Gun Safe Moving Machine

Scott Mayer sent us this video from SHOT Show 2016. In the past, we have used professional safe movers who have something called a crawler. Which I always just called, “The Robot”. In that case, they were moving government vaults and safes made around the turn of the last century. So they tend to be filled with concrete and lots of Iron. It’s nothing to see those old safe’s topping 4000lbs.


How to move a safe SHOT 2016 from Tacticaltshirts.com on Vimeo.

But modern gun safes tend to be lighter with more thought going into defeating attacks by design. As opposed to brute force or mass. But it makes me wonder, how much weight can this contraption move?





“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”

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