Home 1911 Pistols White Wilson Grips

White Wilson Grips

Wilson eXperior - Wilson Experior
Wilson eXperior with white grips done.

Some of you have noticed the white Wilson grips on the eXperior 1911. And even a few have asked how did we got those?

The answer is simple, and possibly disappointing: I painted them. Since this has a good chance of turning into a large arts and crafts post, let me just hit the logical highlights and then post pics:

  • The replacement Vickers grips were too thin and smooth IMO.
  • The original eXperior grips are aggressive and thicker.
  • Bigger grips fit me better. Largish hands. 
  • Special paint used? No. Target paint from range. 
  • Clean / de-grease / prep grips? Nope. 
  • I did remove medallions, but to do it over again I would have just masked them off. 
  • Number of coats: Two dustings. 
  • No change in grip texture. 
  • Paint will wear quickly. 
  • That wear will just show that I use these guns.
  • Yes, I am happy with result. 







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