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Tag: Accidental Discharge

FNS-40L Safety Issues

News was circulating earlier this week that the Baltimore County Police dropped the FNS-40L in-lieu of a 9mm Glock 17 Gen 5.  Considering the PD...

First Responder AAR: Pulse Nightclub Terror Attack

This letter was originally shared by James Yeager of Tactical Response. I thought it was worth sharing with our readers. I have a few...

Dangerous Old Holster

This image has been around a while but the issue is so important that I think it warrants a post on our website. What you...

Jamie Gilt Shot by 4 y/o Son

Have to be honest. Before this story broke about this incident, I had never heard of this woman. It seems she has been making...

Graphic – Shooter Puts 22-250 Through Foot

This was sent to us by a reader who wanted us to pass it along. It is my understanding that a shooter was unloading...

Civilian “guard” has ND with his AR outside Reserve Center

  I know no matter how much I try to be as polite, and fair and as non-judgemetal as I can; someone will roll in...