Tag: HK
HK VP9 Wear Update
Someone wanted to see a video of the VP9 Wear instead of photos. So...here you go. I haven't checked my record, but I "think"...
Video — Full Speed – Slow Speed Video Test
Full Speed - Slow Speed video test. It is interesting to see your own hands under recoil to pick out every little nuance. Also...
Video — Super Slow-motion HK VP9
This video on it’s face really only has value as test I am running. But..who doesn’t like slow-motion firearms?
“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”
Armory Chat 30: Why I’m not a HK Fan-Boy
In short? I think HK is a poorly run company.
Somebody brought up the HK 416 and 417. What did that take to hit the...
POTD – Daily Carry Life
I'm never without this pistol. Ever. And before this pistol I was never without my previous carry pistol.
All day. Every day. Regardless of whatever...
How Not To Operate A HK-91
Saw this happen today at the range. A guy wanted to try out my PTR-91 truck gun? Sure, no problem. And in an effort...
Christmas Holster Project
I’m sure many of you suffer from the same affliction I do: restless project syndrome. I spent two decades working every holiday and never...
Cheap Trigger Guard Holster
While waiting for my replacement AIWB holster from Keeper’s Concealment I decided to break out some cheapie, “gun-show special” holsters to see if they...
John1911 Podcast EP47 –
Episode 47 of the John1911 Podcast.
Sorry for the delay. We have been busy with some hunting trips and projects.
GP11 Ammo is back!
Video — Not a Beauty Queen
Just a quick blurb video. Freeze and I spent some time today moving Combloc ammo crates around. Some hand’t been touched in 20 years....
Why I Didn’t Spend Big Money on a G36 Conversion
It has been announced by some US dealers that Heckler & Koch (HK) is bringing some of their MP5 semi-auto based pistols into the...
Video – HK VP9 Slow Motion
I was just playing with the slow motion camera while on the range. HK VP9 my CCW pistol.
"Shooting Guns & Having Fun"
This photo was taken in August of 2015. As I type it is January of 2016. I had been carrying this VP9 since the...
Germany’s “Cabela’s”
On a recent hunting trip to Germany, I came across what can only be called the Deutschland equivalent of Cabela’s. Frankonia was stocked with...
HK VP9 Recoil Spring Change Schedule
I can't believe I forgot to post this. As many of our readers are aware, Freeze and I are quite fond of the latest...