Tag: New Haven Shotgun
Mossberg 500 Slugs on Steel
Those who have followed us for a while know the Freeze hunts quite a bit with a Mossberg 500 shotgun. Actually, it’s Mossberg’s economical...
POTD — Freeze’s Cleaning Table
Just after deer season finished up, I had stopped by Freeze’s home to drop off some gear. And as luck would have it, he...
2015 Freeze’s 11-Point Buck
For some of our new readers, if you haven’t quite figured it out yet, the owners of tacticaltshirts.com have diverse areas of expertise and...
Hunting Accident Aftermath: Rebuilding a Mossberg Shotgun
So we received some bad news this week. One state that Freeze hunts has not legalized centerfire rifle hunting for 2015. We were pretty...