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Ukraine Quick Update 6-20-22

Ukraine War Update June 21-2022
Ukraine War Update June 21-2022

Ukraine Quick Update 6-20-22

1. British intelligence says there have been desertions of Ukraine troops (not a good idea unless they flee to Russia controlled territory). RFA is suffering morale problems including armed standoffs between troops, but this is no news.

2. I keep forgetting to mention: Ukrainians and Russians are intermingled, and this has been a problem for Ukraine because the pro-Russian Ukrainians help Russia covertly or overtly. I assume same is happening with ethnic Russians who are Ukrainians.

Ukraine War Update June 21-2022
The Kalingrad Oblast of the Russian Federation.

3. I love Pooty Poots. He is now threatening former Soviet republics that are now independent. Nothing new, he has been threatening the Baltics from the start of the war. Subtlety is not his strong point. The more he threatens, the happier I get because he multiplies his adversaries.

Ukraine War Update June 21-2022
Kaliningrad Sector is basically a giant military base.

4. Ukraine says Russian Navy is preparing for massive retaliatory strike (after Ukraine attacked three Russia rigs in the Black Sea). May I know how Ukraine knows the Russians are “preparing”? The Russian ships are presumably sailing with full magazines, so all it takes is an order to fire, no preparations needed. BTW, given that Russia is targeting Ukraine infrastructure, Ukraine has the right to retaliate.

Ukraine War Update June 21-2022
Russian oil rigs burning in the Black Sea.

5. Now the Lithuanians have blocked the Russians from Kalingrad, which is an enclave. I presume this means road access. Russians are sputtering that this is greatest violation of whatever. Come on Moscow. You threaten Lithuania all the time, so they have to consider you an enemy.

Ukraine War Update June 21-2022
The Russians are slowly winning in the east.

6. Severdonestk is mostly in RFA hands. Though I do caution please keep in mind there are multiple ding dong battles. Ukraine has pushed back a Russian threat to Kharkov. Russia is said to have managed to gain ground southwest of the Severdonestk River. Ukraine has closed with the first RFA fortified line in the Kherson front; I believe RFA built three lines. I don’t know how good these defenses are. RFA is very short of engineers. And this is not World War Two, where at Leningrad and Moscow hundreds of thousands of civilians turned out to build anti-tank defenses. The ones at Leningrad were particularly impressive. In both cases women did most of the work because so many men were in the Red Army.





“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”

Ravi Rikhye
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